Sunday, August 16, 2009

Your Blog is "freakin" fabulous Award!

The gorgeous Mevish tagged me for this award! Yay! ♥


1. List five current obsessions (Nenne 5 deiner derzeitigen Macken/Leidenschaften)

2. Pass the award on to five more fabulous blogs of your choice (Gib den Award an 5 fabelhafte Blogs deiner Wahl weiter)

3. On your post of receiving this award, link back to the individual that awarded you (In dem Posting, in dem ihr den Erhalt des Awards bekanntgebt, soll derjenige verlinkt werden, der euch den Award "überreicht" hat)

4. Link your five winners and let them know that they've been awarded (Verlinkt eure 5 Gewinner und lasst sie wissen, dass ihr ihnen den Award gebt)

Ok, and here are my 5 current obsessions!

1. These Shoes. I really, really wanna get them, I watch pictures of them everyday, lol. But I'm not able to get them in Germany, and ordering from U.S. is way too expensive at the moment :-(

2. Pizza with tons of Gouda Cheese and Gorgonzola. I'm craving for it nearly everyday (but I try to ignore it, hehe)... I buy a cheap Pizza Margherita and then I pimp it with this cheese. It's lige drugs, lol

3. Trying out Natural Cosmetics Shampoo. I discovered natural hair cosmetics for my hair, especially the brands Santé and Alverde. My hair looks WAY better since I use them instead of conventional Shampoos. YAY! And I have lots of fun and nice experiences these days trying them out.

4. Light Pink/Rosé. A year ago, around this time, I was so much into purple. I got everything in purple. Shoes, clothes, eyeshadows and so on. This year, it's light pink/rosé. LOVE IT! I still love purples, but pink is my current favourite.

5. Tunics/Empire Style Shirts. Since I haven't the best body shape, I like to wear tunics, because they cover my problem areas very well. I bought many of them in the past 3 months. They are so wearable and convenient in summer, too.

And now, the winners are...

Sindy from Violett Seconds


Karrie from MACKarrie

Lily from Lilith's Dark Tower

Chinda-chan from Göttin der Finsternis


Schminkmädchen said...

Danke, danke, danke du Liebe. Ich freue mich so sehr, dass du mich nominiert hast. :) Schade, dass ich dich nicht auch nominieren kann. :( Dein neues Design ist übrigens sehr hübsch, aber ich mochte das Braun mit dem Türkis doch so sehr und trauere ihm - zugegebener Maßen - ein wenig hinterher. :)

Anonymous said...

Great post, I will visit often.

Natural organic

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